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Happy 7th Anniversary Mozilla Kerala

September 8 2013 a bunch of people who share a passion toward the open web and love towards defending the internet gathered together and Mozilla Kerala was born.


September 8 2013 a bunch of people who share a passion toward the open web and love towards defending the internet gathered together and Mozilla Kerala was born.

September 8 2019, 7 years of awesomeness, sharing a great vision and doing good for the people, we Mozillians hosted a MozCoffee. Being the one who is relatively new to the community this was my first event. We gathered at Oberon Mall, Kochi. Most of the people who gathered were familiar faces.

Kumaresan CS and Syam two of my close friends and Mozilla Representatives told us about the importance of community building and how to overcome our fears, both these guys are very inspiring, listening them talk about their journey with Mozilla and their college life was truly awsome. We even took a bunch of selfies

Mozilla Kerala

The journey of Mozilla Kerala and how it inspired many people to break through their shells, is really amazing. I’m very glad I met these bunch of people oh btw did I mention about Yadev and Sreeram both these guys are really great to chat with, from astrophysics to nuclear bombs to extra terrestrial beings, a discussion with these people could change you’re perspective on how you view life.

Mozilla Reps Mozilla Swags

We also got some cool swags ! MozCoffee will be a meetup that I’ll never forget!